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This week, we hear from Sharon Lewis, Executive Director of Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice.

Policy Banning Toxic Flame Retardants Signed into Law

San Francisco becomes the first city in the US to prohibit toxic PFAS chemicals in single-use food service ware.

April 6th is "National Teflon Day," designated to celebrate the invention. But the chemicals in Teflon have made water undrinkable, bodies sick, and environment polluted. It's time that we stopped using these toxics—and held companies responsible for the damage that they've caused.

Guest blog from Savvy Women's Alliance

Mind The Store campaign's second annual report ranks 30 major stores on their policies for controlling toxic chemicals in the products they sell. 

State victories result in federal decisions that improve toxic chemical safety.

Toxic Flame Retardant Chemicals Found in TVs

Flame Retardant Banned Decade Ago Still Being Used in TVs

This week, the state of Maine proved its mettle as a champion of public health, passing a ban on all added flame retardant chemicals in new upholstered furniture starting next year. 

From Anchorage, AK to Greenburgh, NY to Albertsons’ hometown of Boise, ID, shoppers urged the company to turn up the heat on toxic chemicals this summer.

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